1. The Early and Medieval Age
1.1 Early History and Literature of Ears
1.2 Beowulf: National Epic of Anglo-Saxons
1.3 Chaucer: “Of old the bard who struck the noblest strains”
1.4 The Canterbury Tales: “ALSO there was a nun, a PRIORESS”
Discussion Session
Test for Unit 1 (The Early and Medieval Age)
2.The English Renaissance
2.1 Drama: From Religious Play and Low Comedy to Mighty Plays
2.2 Shakespeare: “Leaves living art but page to serve his wit”
2.3 Love and Knowledge: Renaissance Lyric
2.4 Language and Politics: Renaissance Prose
2.5 “Of Studies”: "Studies serve for Delight, for Ornament, and for Ability."
Discussion Session
Test for Unit 2 (The English Renaissance)
3.The Early 17th Century
3.1 Jacobean Literature: Cavaliers v.s. Metaphysical School
3.2 Milton: The Last Renaissance Man
3.3 Art Epic: Paradise Lost
Discussion Session
Test for Unit 3 (The Early 17th Century)
4.The Restoration and the 18th Century
4.1 Age of Reason: Ignorance is the Vice
4.2 Jonathan Swift: "He Served Human Liberty"
4.3 Alexander Pope: "The Proper Study of Mankind is Man"
Test for Unit 4 (The Restoration and the 18th Century)
5. The Romantic Period
5.1 Introduction to the Romantic Period
5.2 William Wordsworth and His Works
5.3 Byron and His Works
5.4 Shelley and His Works
Discussion Session
Test for Unit 5 (The Romantic Period)
6. The Novel: 1720-1880
6.1 From Prose Fiction to Fiction
6.2 Novelistic Fiction
Test for Unit 6 (The Novel:1720-1880)
7. The Victorian Age
7.1 Dramatic Monologue
7.2 Robert Browning
7.3 Victorian novels
Discussion Session
Test for Unit 7 (The Victorian Age)
8. Into the 20th Century
8.1 An Introduction
8.2 A Short Story: James Joyce's "Eveline"
Test for Unit 8 (Into the 20th Century)
9. Colonial American literature
9.1 Colonial American literature
9.2 Jonathan Edwards and his “Sinners”
Discussion Session
Test for Unit 9 (Colonial American literature)
10. American Romanticism and Transcendentalism
10.1 American Romanticism and Transcendentalism
10.2 Emerson and “Self-reliance”
10.3 Thoreau and “Walden”
10.4 Edgar Allan Poe and “The Raven”
10.5 Hawthorne and “Black Veil”
10.6 Whitman and "Song of Myself"
10.7 Emily Dickinson and Her Death & Nature Poems
Discussion Session
Test for Unit 10 (American Romanticism and Transcendentalism)
11. American Realism and Naturalism
11.1 American Realism
11.2 Mark Twain and “The Jumping Frog”
11.3 American Naturalism
11.4 Jack London and “The Law of Life”
Discussion Session
Test for Unit 11 (American Realism and Naturalism)
12. American Modernism
12.1 American Modernism
12.2 Ezra Pound and Imagism
12.3 Robert Frost and His Poems
12.4 Modern and Postmodern Literature
12.5 William Faulkner and “A Rose for Emily”
12.6 Ernest Hemingway and "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place"
12.7 The Poetry of William Carlos Williams
Discussion Session
Test for Unit 12 (American Modernism)
13. Post-war American Literature
13.1 The Poetry of Charles Bukowski
13.2 "What We Talk About When We Talk About Love" by Raymond Carver
13.3 "The Enormous Radio" by John Cheever
13.4 "The Glass Mountain" by Donald Barthelme
13.5 "My Life" by Joe Wenderoth
Discussion Session
Test for Unit 13 ( Post-war American Literature)
1. 王虹编:《英国文学阅读与欣赏》(第二版),华南理工大学出版社,2007。
2. 黄家修主编:《美国文学阅读与欣赏》,武汉大学出版社, 2007 年。
Reference books:
1. Sanders, Andrew. The Short Oxford History of English Literature. Oxford: Clarendon. Press, 1994.
2. Lees, Clare A., ed. The Cambridge History of Early Medieval English Literature. London:Cambridge University Press, 2012.
3. Flint, Kate, ed. The Cambridge History of Victorian Literature. London:Cambridge. University Press, 2012.
4. Chandler, James, ed. The Cambridge History of English Romantic Literature. London:Cambridge University Press, 2009.
5. Marcus, Laura & Peter Nicholls, eds. The Cambridge History of Twentieth-Century English Literature. London:Cambridge University Press, 2005.
6. Richetti, John, ed. The Cambridge History of English Literature, 1660-1780. London:Cambridge University Press, 2005.
7. Loewenstein, David & Janel Mueller, eds. The Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature. London:Cambridge University Press, 2003.
8. Wallace, David, ed. The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature. London:Cambridge University Press, 1999.
9. Baym, Nina & Robert Levine. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. New York: Norton & Company, 2012.
10. Belasco, Susan & Linck Johnson. The Bedford Anthology of American Literature. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2014.
11. Leitch, Vincent B., et al., eds. The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. New York: Norton & Company, 2001.
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